Take Your Business Online With

Fast, Secure, Powerful Web Hosting!

Focus on your business and avoid all the web hosting hassles. Our managed hosting guarantees unmatched performance & reliability.

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    30 Day

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    Trusted by 1.2
    Millions user

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    Speed Like
    No One Else

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.co.ug USD 25.00 /yr USD 0.00
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.edu.ug USD 12.50 /yr USD 0.00
.info USD 14.95 /yr USD 0.00
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Domeeni täielik hinnakujundus right arrow* Soodushinnad kehtivad ainult esimesel aastal

handVarjatud tasusid pole!
  • headphone24/7 tugi
  • dbTASUTA DNS-i hostimine
  • attachmentTASUTA URL-i edastamine
  • mailTASUTA e-posti edastamine

i3C Web Hosting

Check out our new range of great value web hosting plans with dozens of new features.

  • 24/7 Support
  • SAS SSD Enterprise Storage
  • Acronis Hourly Backups
  • MariaDB databases
  • Fortinet Hardware Firewalls

Bronze Hosting Package with 5GB Storage

USD 10.00
5GB Disk Space Unmetered Bandwidth 30 Day Money Back Malware Removal Unlimited Email Accounts

Silver Hosting Package with 15GB Storage

USD 20.00
15GB Disk Space Unmetered Bandwidth 30 Day Money Back Malware Removal Unlimited Email Accounts

Gold Hosting Package with 30GB Storage

USD 30.00
30GB Disk Space Unmetered Bandwidth 30 Day Money Back Malware Removal Unlimited Email Accounts

Web Design

Check out our new range of great value web hosting plans with dozens of new features.

  • 24/7 Support
  • SAS SSD Enterprise Storage
  • Acronis Hourly Backups
  • MariaDB databases
  • Fortinet Hardware Firewalls


USD 524.23
Üks kord
100% Unique Design Guarantee
10 Page Website
10 images including slide show
Contact/ feedback form
1 prototype
Good Graphics
Good Menus
Fast Loading
Content management system


USD 1,048.47
Üks kord
100% Unique Design Guarantee
15 Page Website
15 Photos
2 Mockups/prototypes
Google Friendly Sitemap
Mobile Responsive
Good Graphics
Unique Typography
Good Menus
Fast Loading
Cross Browser Compatibility
Search Engines Optimization for the site – SEO
Related Links Management
Content management system
Website Administration Training
FREE Domain name


USD 2,096.93
Üks kord
100% Unique Design Guarantee
30 Business Pages Website
Unlimited Revisions
Complete Deployment
Dedicated Professional Developer and designer
Dedicated Account Manager
30 Images
Google Optimised Sitemap
FREE Domain & Hosting
Inception -3 Mockups
Good Graphics, Brand inspired
User-friendly navigation
Social Media links
Website site map
Live Chat
Unique and Large Typography
Good Menus
Fast Loading
Cross Browser Compatibility
Search Engines Optimization for the Site
Related Links Management
Content management system
Website Administration Training


Check out our new range of great value web hosting plans with dozens of new features.

  • 24/7 Support
  • SAS SSD Enterprise Storage
  • Acronis Hourly Backups
  • MariaDB databases
  • Fortinet Hardware Firewalls


USD 150.00
Meetings up to 30 hours per meeting 100 Attendees per meeting Whiteboard Basic Team Chat Mail & Calendar Client & Service NEW Clips Plus NEW Notes NEW AI Companion Cloud Storage 5GB Include Essential Apps Free premium apps for 1 year (terms apply)


USD 220.00
Meetings up to 30 hours per meeting 300 Attendees per meeting Whiteboard Team Chat Mail & Calendar Client & Service NEW Clips Plus NEW Notes NEW AI Companion Cloud Storage 5GB Include Essential Apps Free premium apps for 1 year (terms apply) Extras SSO, managed domains & more NEW Scheduler

Business Plus

USD 300.00
Meetings up to 30 hours per meeting 300 Attendees per meeting Whiteboard Team Chat Mail & Calendar Client & Service NEW Clips Plus NEW Notes NEW AI Companion Cloud Storage 10GB Include Essential Apps Free premium apps for 1 year (terms apply) Extras SSO, managed domains & more Scheduler Phone Global Select Translated Captions Workspace Reservation

#1 Web Hosting Provider

Check out our new range of great value web hosting plans with dozens of new features.

  • 24/7 Support
  • SAS SSD Enterprise Storage
  • Acronis Hourly Backups
  • MariaDB databases
  • Fortinet Hardware Firewalls


USD 0.00
Build a website and get online in minutes with Weebly. The Free Plan from Weebly supports unlimited pages + contact forms and basic SEO, giving you everything you need to get started.


USD 8.99
Build a website and get online in minutes with the Weebly Starter Plan. Weebly’s drag and drop website builder makes it easy to create a powerful, professional website without any technical skills. Over 40 million entrepreneurs and small businesses have already used Weebly to build their online presence with a website, blog or store.


USD 13.99
The Weebly Pro Plan has everything you need to build a powerful website with design, marketing and e-commerce tools that include everything in Starter plus site search, video backgrounds, password protection, and more!


Check out our new range of great value web hosting plans with dozens of new features.

  • 24/7 Support
  • SAS SSD Enterprise Storage
  • Acronis Hourly Backups
  • MariaDB databases
  • Fortinet Hardware Firewalls

JetBackup Bronze

USD 5.00

JetBackup Silver

USD 10.00

JetBackup Gold

USD 15.00

Java Hosting

Check out our new range of great value web hosting plans with dozens of new features.

  • 24/7 Support
  • SAS SSD Enterprise Storage
  • Acronis Hourly Backups
  • MariaDB databases
  • Fortinet Hardware Firewalls

Platinum Java Hosting

USD 49.99
50GB NVMe SSD Disk
1MB/s I/O Usage
1024 IOPS

Plutonium Java Hosting

USD 99.99

Diamond Java Hosting

USD 179.99


Check out our new range of great value web hosting plans with dozens of new features.

  • 24/7 Support
  • SAS SSD Enterprise Storage
  • Acronis Hourly Backups
  • MariaDB databases
  • Fortinet Hardware Firewalls


USD 298.20


USD 405.80


USD 596.40

Zoho Email Hosting

Check out our new range of great value web hosting plans with dozens of new features.

  • 24/7 Support
  • SAS SSD Enterprise Storage
  • Acronis Hourly Backups
  • MariaDB databases
  • Fortinet Hardware Firewalls

Zoho Workplace

USD 0.00

Mail Premium

USD 6.00

AWS LightSail

Check out our new range of great value web hosting plans with dozens of new features.

  • 24/7 Support
  • SAS SSD Enterprise Storage
  • Acronis Hourly Backups
  • MariaDB databases
  • Fortinet Hardware Firewalls

Amazon Lightsail

USD 8.00
Start your Amazon Lightsail VPS with Servting now and enjoy all the advantages of a leading service provider

Amazon EC2

USD 5.00

Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)

USD 0.00
Simplifies Kubernetes cluster management, allowing startups to focus on application development. Kubernetes is gaining rapid adoption, and EKS simplifies its management.

Meie tooted

Suurepärane jõudlus vastab täielikule skaalautuvusele.

cloud server

VPS hosting

Meie serverid ja infrastruktuur on vaikimisi kaitstud teenuste keelamise rünnakute eest (DDoS).


Virtul Server

RPN on eravõrgu funktsioon, mis on pühendatud ja füüsiliselt eraldatud teie Interneti-võrgu liidesest.

cloud server


Meie Dedibox® serverid on sertifitseeritud VMWare Ready®.


Jagatud hostimine

Peaaegu kõik meie Dedibox® on varustatud riistvara KVM-iga IP-ga ja serveri virtuaalse meediaga.

wordpress logo

Wordpress Hosting

Enamik Dediboxi servereid toetab RAID-i, mis tagab usaldusväärsuse ja jõudluse.

cloud icon

Cloud Hosting

Meie tehniline abi on saadaval 24 tundi ööpäevas, 7 päeva nädalas pileti ja telefoni teel, prantsuse, inglise ja saksa keeles.

Hot Selling Affordable Hosting Solutions

Meil on teie järgmise serveri, saidi, rakenduse, platvormi või blogi jaoks täiuslik hosting kava, mida toetavad auhinnatud 24/7 tugi.

Bronze Hosting


USD 10.00

  • Starts with 1 site
  • 3 environments/site
  • 25K visits/month
  • 5GB bandwidth
  • CDN & SSl included
  • Migrations free
  • Page Performance free
  • Powerful tools available
Risk-free for 60 days.

Get 2 months free with
annual prepay.

View Plan

Silver Hosting


USD 20.00

  • Starts with 1 site
  • 3 environments/site
  • 25K visits/month
  • 15GB bandwidth
  • CDN & SSl included
  • Migrations free
  • Page Performance free
  • Powerful tools available
Risk-free for 60 days.

Get 2 months free with
annual prepay.

View Plan

Gold Hosting


USD 30.00

  • Starts with 1 site
  • 3 environments/site
  • 25K visits/month
  • 30GB bandwidth
  • CDN & SSl included
  • Migrations free
  • Page Performance free
  • Powerful tools available
Risk-free for 90 days.

Get 2 months free with
annual prepay.

View Plan

Premium Hosting

Customize your hosting plan according to your own requirements.

USD 2,096.93

  • Dedicated environment
  • High performance
  • High availability/redundancy
  • Managed onboarding
  • Fastest support response
Call (+256) 312301800

to talk to a sales specialist.

View Plan

Meil on Teie jaoks hosting lahendus

Vali platvorm

lock icon


Meie serverid ja infrastruktuur on vaikimisi kaitstud teenuste keelamise rünnakute eest (DDoS).



RPN on eravõrgu funktsioon, mis on pühendatud ja füüsiliselt eraldatud teie Interneti-võrgu liidesest.

clock image


Meie Dedibox® serverid on sertifitseeritud VMWare Ready®.



Peaaegu kõik meie Dedibox® on varustatud riistvara KVM-iga IP-ga ja serveri virtuaalse meediaga.

safe and secure


Enamik Dediboxi servereid toetab RAID-i, mis tagab usaldusväärsuse ja jõudluse.

wordpress logo


Meie tehniline abi on saadaval 24 tundi ööpäevas, 7 päeva nädalas pileti ja telefoni teel, prantsuse, inglise ja saksa keeles.

Miks valida meid?

Ettevõtte jooksmine võib olla keeruline, et aidata meil pakkuda TASUTA veebisaidi ehitaja§ TASUTA laos olevate piltide ja TASUTA e-posti iga domeeninimega.

Väga kiire pilv hosting

Pilve + ühiskasutuse lihtsuse eelised

  • Dual 2.40GHz Xeon protsessor
  • 24GB RAM
  • 24x7x365 Toetus
  • 250GB RAID 1 OS Drive
  • 1TB Cached Customer Drive
  • Apache 2.2x
  • PHP 5.3x, 5.4x, Perl, Python
  • Tasuta DNS-i haldamine
  • MySQL 5
  • Ruby On Rails
  • Rämpsposti ja viiruste kaitse
  • Turvaline FTP-juurdepääs
  • Hotlink & Leech kaitse
  • phpMyAdmin juurdepääs
  • Online e-posti aadressiraamat
  • Nüüd lakke vahemäluga
clock image

Usaldusväärne võimsus

Mõeldud katkematule ja operatsioonile

lock settings

Võrk ja turvalisus

Maksimaalne Uptime &

safe and secure

HVAC kaitse

Vastupidavus ja koondamine
kõikidel tasanditel

CMS Icons

paigaldage populaarsed rakendused sekundites

Valige üle 70 tasuta ühe klõpsu installimise, sealhulgas populaarsed bolgging ja sisuhaldussüsteemid, nagu WordPress, joomla! Ja Drupal; e-kaubanduse lahendused, nagu osCommerce, OpenCart ja PrestaShop; ja suur hulk teisi populaarseid tarkvarapakette, sealhulgas phpBB, Open Web Analytics ja Moodle. Kõik need ja veel saadaval on meie Home Pro ja Business Pro paketid.

ssl certificate

Hoidke oma saidid turvaliselt a

tasuta SSL-sertifikaat!

SSL-sertifikaat loob turvalise tunneli, mille kaudu saab turvaliselt edastada teavet, sealhulgas kasutajanime, parooli, krediitkaardi numbrit ja muud.

Võta see välja
theme logo

Suport me teame, et sa armastad

Meie teadlikud tugieksperdid on käepärast, et aidata kohe käia. Tasuta veebisaitide migratsioon, sõbralik concierge assistancs ja 24x7 pidev tugi - teil on kõik vajalik abi, kui seda vajate.

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